
Divorce – How to Rebuild Your Life, Get New Clothes and Feel Good


Okay, so you have just gone through one of the most painful times of your life, what do you do now? Well the grieving is over. You need to get out of your gloom and move on. You have been given an opportunity to rebuild your life. You have found yourself suddenly single, but you don’t realize just how much you have. You may see your life as shattered, but you should look at it as a clean slate. You need to get back in with the crowd and mingle like you never skipped a beat.

The first step to getting over a divorce is to make subtle changes. The first thing that a woman will change about her is her hair. Hair is special to women. When you feel like you have gone through a change, you feel the need to change your hair because it represents whom you are. Then you should head straight to the mall and purchase some outfits.

You are no longer married, and nor should you look like it. You can wear the tighter shirts and the shorter skirts. You do not have to go from conventional to streetwalker, but if you spice up your wardrobe you will feel better about yourself. When you wear things that are beautiful, you will feel beautiful. You will feel so much about the way that you look.

You should wear colors that you normally would not wear. You should purchase things that seem out of your style just to find yourself. Maybe you already know who you are, and that’s great. You didn’t allow yourself to be dragged down by the divorce.

However, you maybe a little confused. You may not know exactly what you want from life and for your future. That is okay to be a little confused about things. However, if you go out and you purchase something that your mate would not have liked, you will suddenly feel better about yourself.

Go to the mall and purchase a fancy dress and go to a place that you wouldn’t normally go with your ex. It may be the opera, a play, dinner, and so on. You will be able to experience something new or do something that you love and you will look good too.


Being single is not that bad. You can be whomever you want and wear whatever you want. You have so much freedom. You should take advantage of purchasing clothes without having to have a talk with your partner. Your money is now your money to do whatever you would like.


Regardless of age, if you begin to date sooner than later you will be able to get over the divorce quickly. You don’t need the emphasis on commitment or even sex. All you need is to get back in the game. Go out to dinner. This way you aren’t at home mopping and you may even find someone who is fun to be with and that will show you how to love again.

You do not need to have an expectation about anyone, but you never know where Mr. Right maybe. You should never rush into a committed relationship right after you have gone through a divorce. If you do, them you may be setting yourself up for more pain, however if you just purchase an outfit and have a casual night on the town, you will find that moving is a lot easier than you thought it would be.


So get up, put on that new sundress and have a great day enjoying life. With subtle changes of style, love, laughter, and fun can be just around the corner.

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Krist S
Very eager to view the world in my own perspective.